1 | Approve Financial Statements | For |
2 | Approve Financial Statements | For |
3 | Approve the Dividend | For |
4 | Approve Related Party Transaction | For |
5 | Re-elect Thierry Le Hénaff - Chair & Chief Executive | Oppose |
6 | Approve Remuneration Policy for Directors | Oppose |
7 | Approve Remuneration Policy for Chairman and CEO | Oppose |
8 | Approve the Remuneration Report | Oppose |
9 | Approve Remuneration Policy of Chairman and CEO | Oppose |
10 | Appoint the Auditors | Oppose |
11 | Appoint KPMG as the Auditors for sustainability reporting | Oppose |
12 | Appoint Mazars and associes as the Auditors for sustainability reporting | For |
13 | Authorise Share Repurchase | Oppose |
14 | Issue Shares with Pre-emption Rights | For |
15 | Approve authority to increase authorised share capital and issue shares without pre-emptive right | Oppose |
16 | Approve Issue of Shares for Private Placement | Oppose |
17 | Approve Issue of Shares Deviating from Price Fixing Conditions | Oppose |
18 | Approve Issue of Shares for Contribution in Kind | Oppose |
19 | Authorise the Board to Increase the Number of Securities Issued in case of Exceptional Demand | Oppose |
20 | Limit Authorised Capital | For |
21 | Approve Issue of Shares for Employee Saving Plan | For |
22 | Authorize filing of required documents/other formalities | For |