AMBU A/S 14/12/2021 AGM
2Approve Financial StatementsFor
3Approve the Remuneration ReportFor
4Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of DKK 0.29 Per ShareFor
5Approve Fees Payable to the Board of DirectorsOppose
6Elect Jørgen Jensen - Chair (Non Executive)Abstain
7Elect Christian Sagild - Vice Chair (Non Executive)Abstain
8.aRe-elect Henrik Ehlers Wulff - Non-Executive DirectorFor
8.bRe-elect Britt Meelby Jensen - Non-Executive DirectorFor
8.cElect Michael del Prado - Non-Executive DirectorFor
8.dElect Susanne Larsson - Non-Executive DirectorFor
9Ratify Ernst & Young as AuditorsAbstain
10.1Approve Indemnification of Members of the Board of Directors and Executive ManagementFor
10.2Approve the Updates for the Remuneration PolicyAbstain
10.3Renewal of the Board of Directors' authorization to increase the B share capital (article 9e of the Articles of Association).For
11Authorize Editorial Changes to Adopted Resolutions in Connection with Registration with Danish AuthoritiesFor