ARKEMA 11/05/2023 AGM
1Approve Financial StatementsFor
2Approve Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
3Approve the DividendFor
4Approval of Agreements referred to in Articles L.225-38For
5Re-elect Hélène Leroy-MoreauFor
6Re-elect Ian Hudson For
7Elect Florence Lambert For
8Elect Séverin CabannesFor
9Approve Remuneration Policy for DirectorsOppose
10Approve Remuneration Policy for Chairman and CEOOppose
11Approve the Remuneration ReportOppose
12Approve Remuneration of Thierry Le HenaffOppose
13Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
14Approve authority to increase authorised share capital and issue shares without pre-emptive rightOppose
15Authorise the Board of Directors to Reduce the Capital by Cancellation of shares acquired by the Company wihtin the Context of the Provisions of Articles L.225-209 and L.225-208 of the French Commercial CodeFor
16Powers to carry out all formalitiesFor