1 | Receive the Annual Report | For |
2 | Approve the Remuneration Report | Oppose |
3 | To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditor | Oppose |
4 | To authorise the Audit and Risk Committee to fix the auditor's remuneration | For |
5 | Re-Elect Peter Allen - Chair (Non Executive) | For |
6 | Re-Elect Alan Hirzel - Chief Executive | For |
7 | Re-Elect Michael Baldock - Executive Director | For |
8 | Re-Elect Mara Aspinall - Non-Executive Director | For |
9 | Re-Elect Giles Kerr - Non-Executive Director | For |
10 | Re-Elect Mark Capone - Non-Executive Director | For |
11 | Re-Elect Sally Crawford - Non-Executive Director | For |
12 | Re-Elect Bessie Lee - Non-Executive Director | For |
13 | Elect Luba Greenwood - Non-Executive Director | For |
14 | Issue Shares with Pre-emption Rights | For |
15 | Issue Shares for Cash | For |
16 | Issue Shares for Cash for the Purpose of Financing an Acquisition or Other Capital Investment | Oppose |
17 | Adopt New Articles of Association | For |
18 | Authorise Share Repurchase | Oppose |