AMUNDI SA 12/05/2023 AGM
1Approve Financial StatementsFor
2Approve Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
3Approve the DividendFor
4Approve related party transactionFor
5Receive the Governance ReportFor
6Approve the Remuneration of Mr. Yves Perrier, Chairman of the Board of Directors For
7Approve the Remuneration of Mrs. Valérie Baudson, Chief Executive OfficerAbstain
8Approve the Remuneration of Mr. Nicolas Calcoen, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Abstain
9Approve Remuneration Policy for DirectorsFor
10Approve Remuneration Policy for the ChairFor
11Approve Remuneration Policy of the CEOAbstain
12Approve Remuneration Policy of the Deputy CEOAbstain
13Advisory Vote on the Aggregate Remuneration Granted in 2021 to Senior Management, Responsible Officers and Regulated Risk-TakersAbstain
14Elect Philippe Brassac - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
15Elect Nathalie Wright - Non-Executive DirectorFor
16Elect Laurence Danon-Arnaud - Non-Executive DirectorFor
17Elect Christine Gandon - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
18Elect Hélène Molinari - Non-Executive DirectorFor
19Elect Christian Rouchon - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
20Say on ClimateOppose
21Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
22Issue Shares with Pre-emption RightsFor
23Approve Issue of Shares for Contribution in KindFor
24Approve Issue of Shares for Employee Saving PlanOppose
25Approve All Employee Share SchemeOppose
26Authorise Cancellation of Treasury SharesFor
27Powers to carry out all formalitiesFor