AMUNDI SA 12/05/2020 AGM
O.1Approve Financial Statements and Statutory ReportsAbstain
O.2Approve Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory ReportsAbstain
O.3Approve the DividendFor
O.4Approve Auditors' Special Report on Related-Party Transactions Mentioning the Absence of New TransactionsFor
O.5Approve the Remuneration ReportOppose
O.6Approve Compensation of Yves Perrier, CEOOppose
O.7Approve Remuneration Policy of DirectorsFor
O.8Approve Remuneration Policy of CEOOppose
O.9Approve Remuneration Policy of Chair of the BoardFor
O.10Advisory Vote on the Aggregate Remuneration Granted in 2019 to Senior Management, Responsible Officers and Regulated Risk-TakersOppose
O.11Ratify Appointment of Henri Buecher as DirectorOppose
O.12Reelect Laurence Danon as DirectorFor
O.13Reelect Helene Molinari as DirectorFor
O.14Reelect Christian Rouchon as DirectorOppose
O.15Reelect Andree Samat as DirectorOppose
O.16Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10 Percent of Issued Share CapitalOppose
E.17Amend Article 13 of Bylaws Re: Board Members RemunerationFor
E.18Amend Article 14 of Bylaws Re: Board Members Deliberation via Written ConsultationFor
E.19Correction Regarding Items 18 and 19 of May 16, 2019 AGM: Item 18 to be Understood as an Increase in Capital by Public Offer; Item 19 to be Understood as Increase in Capital As Private PlacementFor
E.20Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other FormalitiesFor