AMUNDI SA 16/05/2019 AGM
O.1Approve Corporate Financial StatementsFor
O.2Approve Financial StatementsFor
O.3Approve the DividendFor
O.4Approval of the agreements and commitments pursuant to the provisions of articles l.225-38 and following of the French Commercial Code For
O.5Approve Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer for the 2018 Financial year.Oppose
O.6Approve Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer for the 2019 Financial year.Oppose
O.7Approve Fees Payable to the Chair of the BoardFor
O.8Approve Remuneration of Executive Officers Oppose
O.9Elect William Kadouch ChassaingFor
O.10Re-elect Virhine CayatteFor
O.11Re-elect Robert LeblancFor
O.12Elect Xavier MuscaFor
O.13Re-elect Yves PerrierOppose
O.14Appoint the AuditorsAbstain
O.15Non-renewal of term of Alternate Statutory AuditorFor
O.16Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
E.17Issue Shares with Pre-emption RightsOppose
E.18Issue Shares for CashOppose
E.19Approve Issue of Shares for Private PlacementOppose
E.20Approve Issue of Shares for Contribution in KindFor
E.21Approve Issue of Shares Deviating from Price Fixing ConditionsFor
E.22Approve Authority to Increase Authorised Share Capital by capitalising premiums, reserves and profitsOppose
E.23Authorise the Board to Increase the Number of Shares Issued in case of Exceptional DemandOppose
E.24Approve Issue of Shares for Employee Saving PlanOppose
E.25Approve New Executive Share Option Scheme/PlanOppose
E.26Authorise Reduction of share capital through Cancellation of Treasury SharesFor
E.27Authorise powers to carry out formalities For