ALIOR BANK SA 22/06/2018 AGM
1Open MeetingNon-Voting
2Elect Meeting ChairmanFor
3Acknowledge Proper Convening of MeetingFor
4Approve Agenda of MeetingFor
5.AReceive Financial StatementsFor
5.BReceive Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
5.CReceive Management Board Report on Company's and Group's OperationsFor
6Approve Supervisory Board ReportFor
7.AApprove Financial StatementsFor
7.BApprove Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
7.CApprove Management Board Report on Company's and Group's OperationsFor
8Approve the DividendFor
9Discharge the members of the Management BoardFor
10Discharge the members of the Supervisory BoardFor
11Shareholder Resolution: Adoption of the resolutions to change the composition of the Supervisory BoardAbstain
12Close MeetingNon-Voting