AMUNDI SA 15/05/2018 AGM
O.1Approve Financial StatementsFor
O.2Approve Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
O.3Approve the DividendFor
O.4Approval of the agreements and commitments pursuant to the provisions of articles l.225-38 and following of the French Commercial Code For
O.5Approve Compensation of Yves Perrier, CEOOppose
O.6Approve Remuneration Policy of Yves Perrier, CEOOppose
O.7Approve Remuneration Policy of Chairman of the BoardFor
O.8Approve the Aggregate Remuneration Granted in 2016 to Senior Management, Responsible Officers and Regulated Risk-TakersOppose
O.9Re-elect Remi Garuz Oppose
O.10Re-elect Laurent Goutard Oppose
O.11Re-elect Michel Mathieu Oppose
O.12Re-elect Renee Talamona Oppose
O.13Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
O.14Authorize powers to carry out formalitiesFor