ALIOR BANK SA 29/06/2017 AGM
1Opening of the MeetingNon-Voting
2Election of the Chairperson of the AGMFor
3Acknowledgement that the AGM has been Convened Appropriately and is Capable of Adopting Binding ResolutionsFor
4Adoption of the Agenda For
5.APresentation and Consideration: Financial StatementsFor
5.BPresentation and consideration: Management Board Report of Alior Bank S.A.For
6Presentation of the Supervisory Board Report of Alior Bank S.A.For
7.AApprove Financial StatementsFor
7.BAdoption of Resolution: Approve Management Board report of the Alior Bank S.A.GroupFor
8.APresentation and Consideration: Consolidated Financial Statements for Alior Bank Spolka Akcyjna GroupFor
8.BPresentation and Consideration: The Management Board report of the Alior Bank S.A. Group for 2016For
9.AApprove Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
9.BAdoption of Resolution: Approve Management Board Report of the Alior Bank S.A.Group for 2016For
10Approve the DividendFor
11.1Approve Discharge of Wojciech Sobieraj (CEO)For
11.2Approve Discharge of Malgorzata Bartler (Deputy CEO)For
11.3Approve Discharge of Krzysztof Czuba (Deputy CEO)For
11.4Approve Discharge of Joanna Krzyzanowska (Deputy CEO)For
11.5Approve Discharge of Witold Skrok (Deputy CEO)For
11.6Approve Discharge of Barbara Smalska (Deputy CEO)For
11.7Approve Discharge of Katarzyna Sulkowska (Deputy CEO)For
12.1Approve Discharge of Michal Krupinski (Supervisory Board Chairman)For
12.2Approve Discharge of Malgorzata Iwanicz - Drozdowska (Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman)For
12.3Approve Discharge of Przemyslaw Dabrowski (Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman)For
12.4Approve Discharge of Dariusz Gatarek (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.5Approve Discharge of Stanislaw Kaczoruk (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.6Approve Discharge of Niels Lundorff (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.7Approve Discharge of Marek Michalski (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.8Approve Discharge of Slawomiri Niemierka (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.9Approve Discharge of Krzysztof Obloj (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.10Approve Discharge of Maciej Rapkiewicz (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.11Approve Discharge of Pawel Szymanski (Supervisory Board Member)For
12.12Approve Discharge of Helene Zaleski (Supervisory Board Chairman)For
13Adopt the Changes in the Rules of the General MeetingFor
14Changes to the Supervisory BoardAbstain
15Closing of the MeetingNon-Voting