1 | Receive the Directors Report | For |
2 | Receive the Report of the Supervisory Committee | For |
3 | Approve Financial Statements | For |
4 | Appoint the Auditors | Oppose |
5 | Approve the Dividend | For |
6 | Approve Provision of Guarantee to Subsidiaries and Joint Venture Entities | Oppose |
7 | Amend Rules and Procedures Regarding General Meetings of Shareholders | For |
8 | Amend Rules and Procedures Regarding Meetings of Board of Directors | For |
9 | Approve Amendments to Articles of Association | For |
10 | Approve General Share Issue Mandate | For |
11a | Elect Gao Dengbang | Oppose |
11b | Elect Wang Jianchao | For |
11c | Elect Wu Bin | For |
11d | Elect Li Qunfeng | For |
11e | Elect Ding Feng | Oppose |
12a | Elect Yang Mianzhi | For |
12b | Elect Leung Tat Kwong Simon | Abstain |
12c | Elect Zhang Yunyan | For |
13a | Elect Wu Xiaoming as Supervisor | Oppose |
13b | Elect Wang Pengfei as Supervisor
| Oppose |