ARKEMA 21/05/2019 AGM
1Approve Financial Statements and Statutory ReportsFor
2Approve Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory ReportsFor
3Approve the DividendFor
4 Approve Auditors' Special Report on Related-Party TransactionsFor
5Reelect Victoire de Margerie as DirectorFor
6Reelect Helene Moreau-Leroy as DirectorFor
7Reelect Laurent Mignon as DirectorOppose
8Elect Ian Hudson as DirectorFor
9Approve Remuneration Policy of Chairman and CEOOppose
10Approve Compensation of Thierry Le Henaff, Chair and CEOOppose
11Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
12Authorise Cancellation of Treasury SharesFor
13Approve New Executive Share PlanOppose
14Authorize Filing of Required Documents/Other FormalitiesFor