1Receive the Annual ReportFor
2Approve the DividendFor
3Appoint the AuditorsFor
4Allow the board to determine the auditors remunerationFor
5To re-elect as a director Ms J ChakravertyFor
6To re-elect as a director Mr R C CornickFor
7To re-elect as a director Mr M J Gilbert.For
8To re-elect as a director Mr A A Laing.For
9To re-elect as a director Mr R M MacRae.For
10To re-elect as a director Mr R S Mully.For
11To re-elect as a director Mr J N Pettigrew.For
12To re-elect as a director Mr W J Rattray.For
13To re-elect as a director Ms A H Richards.For
14To re-elect as a director Mrs J G af Rosenborg.For
15To re-elect as a director Mr A Suzuki.Oppose
16To re-elect as a director Mr S R V Troughton.For
17To re-elect as a director Mr H Young.For
18Elect Val Rahmani as a director.For
19Approve the Remuneration ReportOppose
20Issue Shares with Pre-emption RightsFor
21Issue Shares for CashFor
22Meeting Notification-related ProposalFor
23Authorise Share RepurchaseFor
24Approve Political DonationsFor