O.1 | Approve Financial Statements | For |
O.2 | Approve Consolidated Financial Statements | For |
O.3 | Approve the Dividend | For |
O.4 | Approval of the agreements and commitments pursuant to the provisions of articles l.225-38 and following of the French Commercial Code | For |
O.5 | Advisory review of the compensation owed or paid to Mr Jean-Paul Chifflet, Chairman until 28 April 2016 | For |
O.6 | Advisory review of the compensation owed or paid to Mr Yves Perrier, Chief Executive Officer | Oppose |
O.7 | Approve Remuneration Policy for Mr Yves Perrier | Oppose |
O.8 | Review on the Overall Amount of the Remuneration Paid, During the Last Financial Year, to the Effective Managers within the Meaning of Article L.511-13 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and to the Categories of Employees identified within the meaning of Article L.511-71 of the French Monetary and Financial Code | Oppose |
O.9 | Elect Mr Michel Mathieu | Oppose |
O.10 | Re-elect Ms Laurence Danon-Arnaud | For |
O.11 | Re-elect Ms Helene Molinari | For |
O.12 | Re-elect Mr Christian Rouchon | Oppose |
O.13 | Re-elect Ms Andree Samat | Oppose |
O.14 | Authorise Share Repurchase | Oppose |
E.15 | Issue Shares with Pre-emption Rights | For |
E.16 | Issue Shares for Cash | Oppose |
E.17 | Approve Issue of Shares for Private Placement | Oppose |
E.18 | Approve Issue of Shares for Contribution in Kind | For |
E.19 | Approve Issue of Shares Deviating from Price Fixing Conditions | Oppose |
E.20 | Approve Authority to Increase Authorised Share Capital | For |
E.21 | Authorise the Board to Increase the Number of Shares Issued in case of Exceptional Demand | Oppose |
E.22 | Approve Issue of Shares for Employee Saving Plan | For |
E.23 | Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant performance shares to some or all Group employees and corporate officers | Oppose |
E.24 | Authorise Cancellation of Treasury Shares | For |
E.25 | Formalities | For |