AMUNDI SA 18/05/2017 AGM
O.1Approve Financial StatementsFor
O.2Approve Consolidated Financial StatementsFor
O.3Approve the DividendFor
O.4Approval of the agreements and commitments pursuant to the provisions of articles l.225-38 and following of the French Commercial Code For
O.5Advisory review of the compensation owed or paid to Mr Jean-Paul Chifflet, Chairman until 28 April 2016For
O.6Advisory review of the compensation owed or paid to Mr Yves Perrier, Chief Executive OfficerOppose
O.7Approve Remuneration Policy for Mr Yves PerrierOppose
O.8Review on the Overall Amount of the Remuneration Paid, During the Last Financial Year, to the Effective Managers within the Meaning of Article L.511-13 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and to the Categories of Employees identified within the meaning of Article L.511-71 of the French Monetary and Financial CodeOppose
O.9Elect Mr Michel MathieuOppose
O.10Re-elect Ms Laurence Danon-Arnaud For
O.11Re-elect Ms Helene MolinariFor
O.12Re-elect Mr Christian RouchonOppose
O.13Re-elect Ms Andree SamatOppose
O.14Authorise Share RepurchaseOppose
E.15Issue Shares with Pre-emption RightsFor
E.16Issue Shares for CashOppose
E.17Approve Issue of Shares for Private PlacementOppose
E.18Approve Issue of Shares for Contribution in KindFor
E.19Approve Issue of Shares Deviating from Price Fixing ConditionsOppose
E.20Approve Authority to Increase Authorised Share CapitalFor
E.21Authorise the Board to Increase the Number of Shares Issued in case of Exceptional DemandOppose
E.22Approve Issue of Shares for Employee Saving PlanFor
E.23Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant performance shares to some or all Group employees and corporate officersOppose
E.24Authorise Cancellation of Treasury SharesFor