1 | Receive the Annual Report | For |
2 | Approve the Dividend | For |
3 | Approve the Remuneration Report | Abstain |
4 | To re-appoint the Auditors: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | For |
5 | Allow the Board to Determine the Auditor's Remuneration | For |
6 | To re-elect Murray Hennessy | For |
7 | To re-elect Jonathan Milner | For |
8 | To re-elect Alan Hirzel | For |
9 | To re-elect Gavin Wood | For |
10 | To re-elect Louise Patten | For |
11 | To re-elect Sue Harris | For |
12 | To re-elect Mara Aspinall | For |
13 | Issue Shares with Pre-emption Rights | For |
14 | Issue Shares for Cash | For |
15 | Authorise Share Repurchase | Oppose |