1Approve Financial StatementsFor
2Approve the DividendFor
3Discharge the BoardFor
4.1Amend Articles 21 and 23For
4.2Amend Article 29For
5Informational Resolution on Dividend DistributionNon-Voting
6.1Ratification and appointment of Mrs Marina Serrano GonzálezFor
6.2Ratification and appointment of Mrs Sandrine LaguminaFor
6.3Ratification and appointment of Mr Enrico LettaFor
6.4Ratification and appointment of Mr Luis G. FortuñoFor
6.5Ratification and appointment of Mr Francisco Javier Brossa GalofréFor
6.6Ratification and appointment of Mr Antonio Viana-Baptista For
6.7Re-election of G3T, S.L, proprietary directorFor
7Appoint the AuditorsOppose
8Consultative voting on the Annual Report about Directors' Remunerations, corresponding to 2016 financial yearAbstain
9Approval of the Directors' Remuneration Policy 2018-2019-2020Oppose
10Delegation of powers to formalise all the resolutions adopted by the MeetingFor