ANEST IWATA CORP | 25/06/2015 AGM | |
1 | Appropriation of Surplus | For |
2 | Amend Articles - Limit Liability of Directors/Statutory Auditors | Abstain |
3.1 | Elect Tsubota Takahiro | Oppose |
3.2 | Elect Iida Toshiyuki | For |
3.3 | Elect Koga Hiroshi | For |
3.4 | Elect Tsukamoto Shinya | For |
3.5 | Elect Morimoto Kiyoshi | For |
3.6 | Elect Suzuki Masato | For |
3.7 | Elect Yoneda Kouzou | For |
3.8 | Elect Ooshima Kyousuke | For |
4 | Adoption of Takeover Defense Measures | Abstain |