A G BARR PLC 27/05/2015 AGM
1Receive the Annual ReportFor
2Approve the Remuneration ReportFor
3Approve the dividendFor
4To re-elect Mr John Ross NicolsonFor
5To re-elect Mr Roger Alexander WhiteFor
6To re-elect Mr Jonathan David KempFor
7To re-elect Mr Andrew Lewis MemmottFor
8To re-elect Mr William Robin Graham BarrOppose
9To re-elect Mr Martin Andrew GriffithsAbstain
10To re-elect Ms Pamela PowellFor
11To elect Mr Stuart LorimerFor
12To elect Mr David James RitchieAbstain
13Re-appoint the auditors: KPMG LLP and allow the board to determine their remunerationOppose
14Issue shares with pre-emption rightsFor
15Issue shares for cashFor
16Authorise Share RepurchaseFor