1Call to OrderFor
2Certification of Notice and QuorumFor
3Approve the Minutes of Previous Shareholders General MeetingFor
4Discharge the Board and Executive OfficersFor
5Amend ArticlesFor
6Elect Gerardo C. Ablaza, Jr - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
7Elect Cezar P. Consing - Vice Chair (Executive)For
8Elect John Eric T. Francia - Chief ExecutiveFor
9Elect Jaime Alfonso Antonio E. Zobel de Ayala - Executive DirectorFor
10Elect Nicole Goh Phaik Khim - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
11Elect Dean L. Travers - Executive DirectorFor
12Elect Jaime Z. Urquijo - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
13Elect Jesse O. Ang - Non-Executive DirectorFor
14Elect Maria Lourdes Heras-de Leon - Non-Executive DirectorOppose
15Elect Garry K. Lester - Non-Executive DirectorFor
16Elect Melinda L. Ocampo - Non-Executive DirectorFor
17Appoint the Auditors and Allow the Board to Determine their RemunerationAbstain
18Approve Financial StatementsFor
19Transact Any Other BusinessOppose
20Presentation of Management and Open ForumFor