1.1Approve Financial StatementsAbstain
1.2Approve the Remuneration ReportFor
1.3Approve Sustainability ReportAbstain
2Approve the DividendFor
3Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive BoardFor
4.1Approval of the Compensation of the Board of DirectorsFor
4.2.1Approve Amount of Variable Share-based Compensation Elements to be Allocated in the Current Financial Year 2024Oppose
4.2.2Approve Maximum Aggregate Amount of Fixed Compensation for the Next Financial Year 2025Oppose
4.2.3Approve Exceptional Supplementary Amount for the Period Annual General Meeting 2024 to Annual General Meeting 2025For
5.1.1Re-elect Romeo Lacher Abstain
5.1.2Re-elect Richard Campbell-Breeden Oppose
5.1.3Re-elect Juerg Hunziker For
5.1.4Re-elect Kathryn ShihFor
5.1.5Re-elect Tomas Varela MuiƱa Oppose
5.1.6Re-elect Eunice Zehnder-Lai For
5.1.7Re-elect Olga Zoutendijk For
5.2.1Elect Bruce Fletcher For
5.2.2Elect Andrea Sambo For
5.3Re-election of the Chairperson of the Board of DirectorsAbstain
5.4.1Elect Remuneration Committee Chair: Richard Campbell-BreedenFor
5.4.2Elect Remuneration Committee Member: Bruce FletcherFor
5.4.3Elect Remuneration Committee Member: Kathryn ShihFor
5.4.4Elect Remuneration Committee Member: Eunice Zehnder-Lai For
6Appoint KPMG as AuditorsOppose
7Election of the Independent RepresentativeFor
8Amend Articles: Introduction of Conversion Capital For