ALCON AG 28/04/2021 AGM
1Approve Financial StatementsAbstain
2Discharge the Board and Senior ManagementOppose
3Approve the DividendFor
4.1Approve the Remuneration Report (Non-Binding)Oppose
4.2Approve Fees Payable to the Board of DirectorsFor
4.3Approve Aggregate Cap of Remuneration of the Executive Committee Oppose
5.1Elect F. Michael Ball - Chair (Non Executive)Oppose
5.2Elect Lynn Bleil - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.3Elect Arthur Cummings - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.4Elect David J. Endicott - Chief ExecutiveFor
5.5Elect Thomas Glanzmann - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.6Elect Keith Grossman - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.7Elect Scott Maw - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.8Elect Karen May - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.9Elect Ines Pöschel - Non-Executive DirectorFor
5.10Elect Dieter Spälti - Non-Executive DirectorFor
6.1Elect Remuneration Committee: Thomas GlanzmannFor
6.2Elect Remuneration Committee: Keith GrossmanAbstain
6.3Elect Remuneration Committee: Karen MayFor
6.4Elect Remuneration Committee: Ines PoschelAbstain
7Appoint Independent ProxyFor
8Appoint the AuditorsFor